Welcome to

Clown Town :o)

Population: You + others

Some Swag People



You found my secret lair where I make my evil concoctions (and share some of my evil silly interests and such :3c)

Apologies for the mess, hopefully this site map can help > <

Here's some fun facts about me :)

I'm majoring in computer science and thought I should learn more computer languages for fun instead of for school (rn I know some amount of Python, C++, and Java but I'm still kind of a beginner). I don't think I've used GeoCities but I like how people are making the internet more personalized so I made this site :3c

This site is going to be edited ALOT. I work on this by jumping around from different things without really completing any one thing first lol. There's no real "blueprint" so to say for it's design or content so everything is going to keep changing. Most pages might have some broken gifs, links, ect so apologies for that!

Also because I made this to practice HMTL and CSS (and also make something silly :] ), the layout is more or less made by me. Graphic design is a passion but definitely not a skill

The only real goal for this site is to make it swag and reflect aesthetics and topics I like so yeah alot of art, tech, and general media I like :3c

Oh! I also like to go by Fuzzy online hence the site's name :3c


June 2024

- Actually making some progress for once BUT I can't fully come up with a design for any page => work on half baked ideas => try to change everything around => end up not finishing anything => want to start from scratch (ノ_<。)

- Currently I just realized the text on every page is kinda large... heh... 。゚(。ノωヽ。)゚。

- I actually can't work on this until I fix my internet cause randomly for like 30+ mins the internet will go out for a few SECONDS, then be on for a few SECONDS, and repeat ╬(▼へ▼ )

May 2024

- Well that semester beat my ass but I know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript better!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

- Might actully add some coding projects to this site now... and finish a page or so... maybe... ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭

April 2024

- N/A

March 2024

- N/A

February 2024

- N/A

January 2024

- Busy gaming...

- ToonTown Corprate Clash and Team Fortress 2 keep distracting me... but I have like 3 comp sci classes and a lab so we'll see if I deside to work on this like before when I had like 1 or 2 comp sci classes... T_T

December 2023

- N/A

November 2023

- N/A

October 2023

- Uhh... mb... got distracted... ;>_>

- But thoth hath returned! (To do some minor house cleaning... maybe more... ooo...)

May 2023


- Ok, now I actually want to work on Jorunal Junkyard which should be kinda easy since I like to talk about myself lol :3c

- Here's the current blueprint ^^

April 2023

- N/A

March 2023

- Ah, ok! The main page is looks better! Been busy with school but I'll update this site here and there. Still want this to be where I code for fun, just need some ideas for the other pages

- Haven't updated this site much, but one thing to do (eventually) is to change all of the pixel alignments to percentages to make the layout more consistent

February 2023

- Currently working on the main page to match the layout to this rough design

- This will probably be updated again lol just need something a little more intresting. I guess I want the site overall to have a cluttered, chotic feel but still be legible? Probably gotta add some custom graphics also

- Might add more widgets... maybe

- Also really need to work on Media Mansion since it's blank sorry

- Also also should probably add a custom font

Last Updated: