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Class Stats

Class Speed Health Overheal Primary Secondary Melee
Scout 120%-173% 110-125 139-185 48-65 15-50 9-35
Soldier 80%-128% 200-220 300-330 68-112 20-72 33-107
Pyro 100%-115% 175 260 25-153.5 23-72 28-82
Demoman 79%-136% 150-235 225-350 30-100 50-147 65-130
Heavy 77%-104% 300-350 390-450 6.75-10.8 51-72 26-85
Engineer 100% 125-150 185-225 40-72 10-15 49-65
Medic 107%-133% 140-150 210-225 9-75 N/A 65
Sniper 27%-100% 125 185 40-518 8 33-81
Spy 80%-107% 70-125 105-210 N/A 32-40 40-2700

Strategy Guide


The Scout is the fastest and arguably one of the most mobile classes in the game. His speed and ability to double jump lets him access ambushing routes and get to places before most other classes. Combine this mobility with his Scattergun's high damage output, and he is one of the best at picking and winning duels. The Scout can ideally control the outskirts of the battlefield by picking off important or damaged enemy targets, then support his team at objectives with his increased capture rate.

The Scout has a low health pool and relies on completely avoiding damage to survive; his double jump lets him escape knockback, fall damage, and explosions. Dodging becomes harder when being attacked by multiple enemies at once, generally dissuading the Scout from the frontlines. Additionally, not everything can be dodged; weaponry that can slow or track players, such as Natascha or the Sentry Gun, are deadly to the Scout.

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The Soldier is a tough, all-purpose assault class suited for both offense and defense. His Rocket Launcher can take on multiple enemies at once, while his Shotgun is a reliable backup weapon. Despite being a straightforward class to play, there are many advanced techniques a skilled Soldier can use. For instance, although the Soldier is slow on foot, he can rocket jump to cover large distances quickly and reach high places. There are also plenty of weapon choices that alter his playstyle, such as the rapid-fire Beggar's Bazooka or the team-oriented Buff Banner.

As the most well-rounded combat class, the Soldier is easy to pick up and play but difficult to master. The Soldier is durable, strong at both close and medium range, is well-equipped to deal with Sentry Guns, and can use rocket jumps to move quickly and reach places other classes can't. However, he has the second-slowest on-foot movement speed of all the classes, and his Rocket Launcher can be both difficult to aim at long range (due to the rockets' slow projectile speed) and dangerous to use at close range (due to the risk of self-damage). Regardless, the Soldier is a strong pick on offense and defense alike, and experienced players can assault or defend strategic locations with ruthless efficiency.

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The Pyro is a hardy class that specializes in close range combat with the Flame Thrower. The Pyro excels when fighting in enclosed spaces, using various weapon combinations for quick kills, or flanking the enemy backline, where the wide spread of flames will affect multiple targets and disrupt healing from Medics. Enemies that escape slowly suffer from extra afterburn damage, allowing for hit-and-run tactics. The Pyro also brings plenty of utility - the compression blast can reflect projectiles and shove enemies around, while fire nullifies the enemy Spy's Cloak and disguises. This lets the Pyro switch between protecting teammates or going on the offensive.

While the Pyro is easy to play mechanically, it takes time to master how to properly use and switch between the various weapons. Notably, the Pyro does not, by default, have any extra movement options like speed boosts or jumps, so maneuvering to targets can be tricky. The Pyro is most vulnerable at long range, in the open, or when facing unreflectable hitscan weaponry, such as the Minigun or Sniper Rifle.

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The Demoman is a well-rounded artillery class that excels at indirect combat, crowd control, and area denial. Both his Grenade Launcher and Stickybomb Launcher are versatile weapons that can be aimed over obstacles while staying out of sight. Additionally, the Stickybomb Launcher can be used to set traps or Sticky jump. Due to his immense damage output, the Demoman is fantastic at fighting multiple opponents and demolishing Engineer buildings. However, the Demoman is most vulnerable at close range, where his weapons are more difficult to aim, take time to arm, and can inflict self-damage; this makes him weaker to classes such as the Scout or Pyro.

Unlike the other classes, the Demoman has the option to cover this weakness by equipping a Shield and Sword for an alternate playstyle. By doing so, he trades his area explosives for extra defense and the ability to charge, allowing him to pick off single targets. Thus, the Demoman can choose to dominate at long or close range, but not both. A team should arguably always have at least one Demoman for his sheer versatility.

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The Heavy is the toughest, but slowest class in the game. His vast firepower and health pool will almost ensure that he'll be found at the front lines as a shock trooper, where his Minigun dominates at close range. The Heavy acts as a beacon for his team to rally behind and is often a designated Medic buddy. However, his large size and slow speed make him a juicy target, especially for enemy Snipers or Spies, and his general loudness makes him subpar at ambushing. A good Heavy will coordinate with his team to tackle mission objectives together.

The Heavy, as the class name suggests, is the full frontal attack force of Team Fortress 2. His class itself is a heavy weapon — big, slow, tough, and powerful; players can wade into battles where other classes dare not. The Heavy's usefulness as a shock troop on the front lines, defense breaker, and wide-area defender should not be underestimated or ignored by either side.

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The Engineer has the unique ability to construct buildings. His Sentry Gun compensates for his weaker weapons and fragility, providing more than enough firepower at the front lines in his stead. His Teleporter system transports teammates around the map, while his Dispenser heals and supplies ammunition to his teammates. After constructing a building, he can pick up and haul it to a new location, allowing him to keep his base as his team advances or retreats. The Engineer and his buildings are frequently targeted by Soldiers, Demomen, and Spies. A well-timed enemy ÜberCharge, in particular, can quickly ruin all of his hard work. When his buildings are destroyed, it is most important that the Engineer makes it out alive so that he can reconstruct his base. A good Engineer places his buildings in strategic locations and not be afraid to get his hands dirty defending them.

The Engineer's low Health and average speed make it important for him to rely on his Sentry Gun, other buildings, and his teammates for protection. While his ways can seem somewhat passive and methodical, Engineers are not to be underestimated. A talented Engineer can make it much easier for his team to hold its ground, keep up the pressure on the attack, and defend vital objectives such as control points and Intelligence.

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The Medic is arguably the most important class. He is the only class with a reliable way to heal and overheal, putting any team without one at a severe disadvantage. As the Medic heals others, he builds an ÜberCharge meter. Once this meter is full, he can buff a teammate with effects such as the Medi Gun's invulnerability or the Kritzkrieg's Crit-boost, giving his team a chance to forge ahead. However, if the Medic dies, he loses his accumulated ÜberCharge. Knowing this, the flow of battle can be dictated by if a team's Medic is alive and/or charged. The Medic is a priority, both for his team to protect and the enemy to kill.

The Medic's weapons are designed more for self-protection and supplemental healing. He relies on having competent teammates who will protect him so that he is free to heal, not fight. More than with any other class, communication is key, both for indicating who to heal and when to activate an ÜberCharge.

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The Sniper excels in picking off enemies from great distances. His ability to headshot lets him deal severe damage to foes before they can even get close. Important targets for a Sniper include enemy Snipers, Medics, Heavies, and Engineers, enemies that tend to withstand or avoid direct assaults. The Sniper is one of the weakest classes at close range combat and is often targeted by classes that operate alone, such as Scouts and Spies. If cornered and alone, he is likely to be killed. A good Sniper supports his team's combat classes from behind, frequently changes sniping spots, and stays aware of his surroundings.

The Sniper is one of the three classes that can gain headshot bonuses (the others being an Ambassador-wielding Spy and a Pyro who can airblast the arrows from the Huntsman). Headshots are guaranteed critical hits, and often result in an instant kill when fully charged (with the exception of anyone with a bullet resistance). The ability to do this consistently can set apart an amateur Sniper from an elite one.

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The Spy specializes in deception and excels at punishing mistakes made by the enemy team. He is the best choice for business behind enemy lines but not direct combat, as he is fragile and has some of the game's weakest weapons. His Cloaking and disguises allow him to sneak past undetected, where he can then cause havoc. He can approach targets from behind and backstab them for an instant kill, or sap Engineer buildings to cripple enemy defenses. Additionally, he can see enemy health levels to determine if a foe is weak enough to be picked off with his Revolver. Because of the fear he imposes, however, enemies frequently Spy-check their teammates. Although the Spy can hide and blend in, he can easily be exposed through various methods, including the Pyro's flames or Sniper's Jarate. Through guile and precision, a good Spy can cause paranoia among the enemy while eliminating important targets that are difficult to kill with direct attacks.

Enemies that are Spy checking should be avoided, and to escape suspicion, a little bit of acting on your part can go a long way. With some skill and luck, Spies can even fool veteran players, and professional Spies can easily wreak major havoc on the enemy team.

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